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《2020世界核能產業現狀報告》總結與結論 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》


[法]麥克·施耐德(Mycle Schneider)著 餘文敏譯






Mycle Schneider,法國能源、核電政策國際獨立諮詢顧問。《世界核能產業現狀報告》(WNISR)從1992年開始以年度報告的形式對全球核電的規劃、投資、建設和運營提供全面的概述,是核電領域最具權威性的報告之一。



Executive Summary and Conclusions of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2020

Mycle Schneider,Yu Wenmin

Abstract: The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2020 (WNISR2020) provides a comprehensive overview of nuclear power plant data, including information on age, operation, production, and construction of reactors. A new focus chapter in this year’s report is Nuclear Power in the Age of COVID-19 that assesses the safety and security implications of operating nuclear facilities in a pandemic and provides a country-by-country overview of available information on staff infections, impacts and measures. Another special focus is the chapter on Nuclear Power in the Middle East that analyses the significance of the first operating nuclear power plant in the Arab world and the status of nuclear programs in five other countries in the region. This article is the executive summary of the WNISR2020.

Key words: World Nuclear; the Age of  COVID-19; Reactor; Small Modular Reactors; Renewable Energy

首頁    出版研究    蓝皮书研究报告    2020    《2020世界核能產業現狀報告》總結與結論 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》