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美日大灣區的天然氣發展戰略比較 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)











Comparison of Natural Gas Development Strategies between the United States and Japan’s Greater Bay Area

Zhong Feiteng


Abstract: This article shows that natural gas consumption in the United States and Japan is still booming before the break of Covid-19. However, compared with the energy policy of the central (federal) government, the US and Japan's Greater Bay Area presents a different energy development model. New York and California have taken climate change seriously, and have accelerated plans to reduce fossil energy consumption. In particular, California is at the forefront, and some municipal governments have even cancelled the use of natural gas in new buildings. New York State is also a leader in the development of clean energy in the United States and ranks among the top in many technical standards. Tokyo also attaches great importance to the impact of climate change, and even set a development goal of achieving 30% of renewable energy sources in power generation sources by 2030, including natural gas, and promoting the transformation of energy consumption in the form of laws, leading Japan's sustainable development. Behind the driving force of climate change, the more important driving factors are the urban economies of these Greater Bay Areas, especially the economic structure dominated by service industries, and the environmental factors that constitute urban competitiveness.

Key Words: Greater Bay Area; Natural Gas; New York; Tokyo; Climate Change; Economic Structure; Urban Economy

首頁    出版研究    蓝皮书研究报告    2020    美日大灣區的天然氣發展戰略比較 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)