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海上風電對廣東省電力現貨市場的影響性分析 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》


宋 怡  林晨韻  梁高琪  趙俊華


摘 要:





宋  怡,香港中文大學(深圳),本科在讀。





The Impact of Integrating Offshore Wind Power in the Guangdong Electricity Spot Market

Song Yi, Lin Chenyun, Liang Gaoqi, Zhao Junhua


Abstract: The Southern (starting in Guangdong) spot market has officially started trial operation in 2019. In order to alleviate the pressure on power supply and develop clean energy resources, Guangdong will build 3.02 million kilowatts of offshore wind power by 2021, which will have a major impact on Guangdong electricity market due to the output characteristics of wind turbines and the clearing regulation of spot market. We used the simplified Guangdong power system model to simulate the Guangdong electricity market from 2019 to 2021, and then analyzed the impact of offshore wind power on the Guangdong market. The experimental results show that integration of offshore wind power would reduce the locational marginal price. When the growth rate of stable power generation of the whole system cannot meet the growth of demand on the load side, and the price of electricity will increase year by year. In addition, the integration of offshore wind power in the next three years would not cause significant system congestion.

Key Words:Offshore Wind Power;Electricity Market Simulation;Guangdong Electricity Market;Locational Marginal Price

首頁    出版研究    蓝皮书研究报告    2020    海上風電對廣東省電力現貨市場的影響性分析 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》