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粵港澳大灣區綠色發展重點與評價指標研究 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》










Research on Key Points and Evaluation Indexes of Green Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Zhou Hongchun


Abstract: Green development is one of the basic ways of ecological civilization construction.The core of ecological civilization construction is to coordinate the relationship between human and nature, and the essence is the harmony between human and nature. Starting from reality, it is necessary to increase the protection and restoration of ecosystems, enhance the function of ecosystem services, and support the prevention and control of pollution to achieve better results. In addition to adapting to the general work required by the state, more efforts should be made to solve the  “black and smelly water” in some urban watercourses of Guangdong. The problems of soil pollution control and construction waste resource utilization left by the rapid development stage of industrialization and urbanization cannot be ignored,thus, setting a benchmark for the construction of  “no waste cities” and an example in tackling climate change. To build a modern economic system featuring by green and low carbon, together with traditional industries ecological and ecological protection industrialization as the main body, we should rely on innovation to form a social governance structure guided by the government, operated by the market and participated by the public, and modernize governance capabilities. We should set up an indication system with distinct gradation, reasonable structure, clear function and guidance to fully reflect the overall progress of ecological civilization construction, and to  form an ecological civilization construction model that can be replicated and promoted.

Key Words: Green Development; Key Task; Innovation Driven; Indication System; Policy Suggestions

首頁    出版研究    蓝皮书研究报告    2020    粵港澳大灣區綠色發展重點與評價指標研究 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》