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The outlook for China's nuclear power industry development in “14th-Five-Year Plan"

Wu Ke

Abstract:The world today is undergoing a major change in the past 100 years. China's energy development is in a critical period of transformation and transformation, facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" is a period of historical convergence of China's "two hundred years" struggle goal, and it is also an important period of opportunity to fully open a new journey of building a socialist modernization and strengthening power. As an important part of the “clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient” modern energy system, the high-quality development of nuclear energy in China has entered the stage of strategic opportunities. However, nuclear energy development still faces many uncertain factors. In view of the current uncertainties in the world's energy landscape and nuclear energy development, it is foreseeable that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, nuclear power development will face a more complex domestic and international environment, and will also face an important strategic opportunity period with both opportunities and challenges. 2019 is the start-up year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and 2019 is also the restart year for the normal approval of China's nuclear power projects. Looking ahead to the "14th Five-Year Plan", China's nuclear power industry is still promising.

Key Words:China;Nuclear Power;14th Five-Year Plan;Outlook

首頁    出版研究    蓝皮书研究报告    2019    “十四五”中國核電產業發展展望——《國際清潔能源產業發展報告(2019)》