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The Ninth International Clean Energy Forum & Zero Carbon Island Forum Achieves Carbon Neutrality for Large-Scale Events

In order to respond to the national "double carbon" goal and convey the concept of green zero carbon, on December 18 at the 9th International Clean Energy Forum Conference and Zero Carbon Island Forum, the International Clean Energy Forum (Macao) Joint Forum Support Unit Jinnuo Carbon Investment Environmental Protection Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. proposed the goal of "carbon neutrality of forum activities" and issued a carbon reduction initiative to all parties participating in the forum. The carbon emissions generated during the forum will be collected by Jinnuo Carbon Investment Environmental Protection Technology (Beijing) Donate the emission reductions of the VCS project of the international carbon certification standard to offset.

This forum was held in Hengqin, Zhuhai for the first time. CQC China Quality Certification Center, as a national authoritative third-party verification and certification organization, was entrusted by Jinnuo Carbon Investment Environmental Protection Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., according to the "Carbon Neutral Implementation Guidelines for Large-scale Activities" (DB11/T 1862-2021) On-site verification and accounting of carbon emissions during the forum confirmed that this forum has achieved carbon neutrality through the use of carbon credit offsets, and issued a "carbon neutral" evaluation certificate to the forum organizing committee. This officially confirms that the "Ninth International Clean Energy Forum and Zero Carbon Island Forum" has become a large-scale international forum event for "carbon neutrality".

The accounting boundary of this event includes the forum line of the "Ninth International Clean Energy Forum and Zero Carbon Island Forum" held at the Changlong Hengqin Bay Hotel Conference Center in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone from December 18th to 19th, 2022 The next main venue and online series of meetings.

Forum Carbon Neutrality Evaluation Certificate Picture

JUNO Carbon Investment Environmental Protection Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (JUNO Capital Group, referred to as "JUNO") was established in 2002. It is a leading carbon asset management and operation service provider in China. Its main business includes emission reduction projects such as forest and grass carbon sinks. Carbon asset development, trading and management, carbon quota asset management for key emission control enterprises, carbon financial services and double-carbon related consulting.

At present, Jinnuo has completed the development of carbon assets of about 300 emission reduction projects and the secondary market sales of corresponding carbon assets, including 147 domestic CCER projects, covering types of emission reduction technologies including wind energy, solar energy, biomass, garbage Treatment, coal bed methane utilization, etc., the projects are spread all over the country.

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