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Explore County-Level Green and Low-Carbon Energy Business Models, and the Development Report Suggests Enriching Value-Added Scenarios

In view of my country's weak county-level energy infrastructure construction, limited power grid access conditions, obstacles to the local consumption of clean energy, and technical conditions and business models that cannot meet development needs, relevant agencies suggest the establishment of county-level green and low-carbon energy systems and mechanisms , to explore county-level green and low-carbon energy business models.

At the Ninth International Clean Energy Forum Conference and Zero Carbon Island Forum held on the morning of the 18th, SPIC and Siemens Energy jointly released the "2022 China County Green and Low-Carbon Energy Transformation Development Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report").

The "Report" stated that in recent years, my country's county-level energy supply guarantee capabilities have been enhanced, but the problem of irrational consumption structure is still obvious. Statistics show that the total annual rural energy consumption in my country is about 311 million tons of standard coal, including energy consumption for heating, cooking, air conditioning, and domestic electricity. The types of statistical energy include coal, liquefied petroleum gas, electricity, natural gas and other commodities Energy, non-commodity energy mainly firewood and straw. Commodity energy and non-commodity energy accounted for 69.6% and 30.4% respectively. There is still a lot of room for improvement in the proportion of renewable energy and commodity energy, and the energy consumption structure needs to be optimized urgently.

According to the "Report", my country's county-level energy resources are abundant, but the utilization rate is low. The total amount of biomass resources that can be sourced and utilized in rural areas is equivalent to about 460 million tons of standard coal every year. The potential of distributed photovoltaic technology can reach more than 1000GW, and the potential of distributed wind power technology can reach 250GW. In addition to rock thermal resources, geothermal Resources The annual exploitable resources are equivalent to 2.6 billion tons of standard coal. But in general, the utilization rate of the above-mentioned energy resources is low, which is not conducive to the supply of clean energy in rural areas, and is not conducive to the effective supply of energy in rural areas.


On December 18, the site of the Ninth International Clean Energy Forum Conference and Zero Carbon Island Forum. Photography/Zhang Ke

The survey found that at present, the primary problem facing the green and low-carbon transformation of county-level energy in my country is that rural infrastructure construction is still relatively weak. Funding for technology development is insufficient, the supply of gas, liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas has not been popularized to all towns and villages, rural power grid equipment in some remote areas is outdated and backward, the overall supply of rural commodity energy is insufficient, energy poverty still exists in some areas, and energy consumption demand is difficult be effectively satisfied.

In addition, the grid access conditions are limited, and there are obstacles to the in-situ consumption of clean energy. Due to the limited promotion of policies such as "sale of electricity through the wall" (that is, market-oriented transactions of distributed power generation), local clean energy cannot directly sell electricity to local industrial and commercial enterprises, and it is difficult to form benefit sharing between county-level development and local enterprises, which affects to a certain extent The local government's scientific understanding and support for the development of the whole county have been improved.

The "Report" suggests that county-level energy construction be included in local economic and social development plans, adhere to the working mechanism of the central government as a whole, the province assumes overall responsibility, and cities and counties implement it, "elementize" energy issues, and strengthen the integration of county-level energy and urban and rural areas. The overall planning and coordination of the revitalization strategy and other planning will take the energy consumption demand and supply guarantee in the county area as an important content of the regional economic and social development planning.

The "Report" suggests exploring county-level green and low-carbon energy business models. Promote the development and utilization of distributed energy in rural areas by adopting models such as "company + villages and towns + farmers", and promote "photovoltaic +" models such as agricultural photovoltaic complementarity, forestry photovoltaic complementarity, and animal husbandry photovoltaic complementarity, and innovate rural biomass energy utilization models according to local conditions. Expand new energy storage business models, explore the application of business models such as shared energy storage, cloud energy storage, and energy storage aggregation, focus on system value, and tap commercial value.

In terms of innovative county-level energy financing models, the "Report" suggests that investment and financing models such as tailor-made PPP, income and financing self-seeking balance special bonds and other investment and financing models should be reasonably allocated to preferential loans and bond quotas to promote county-level green and low-carbon energy transformation. Explore joint ventures to form energy development companies by means of equity participation by energy companies, local large energy-consuming households and energy-consuming companies as controlling shareholders, and transform power generation projects into "spontaneously self-consumed" projects for energy-consuming companies. Energy companies, by giving full play to their professional advantages, cooperate and share the results of clean energy development.

The "Report" suggests that in the development of household photovoltaics, farmers can participate in and obtain profits through various modes such as self-construction, shareholding, and cooperative development; Individual users increase power consumption and increase project income; use the business model of photovoltaic shared electric vehicle batteries to increase income by enriching project operation scenarios; use the "biomass straw for granule" platform model to expand the industrial chain and enrich project development Value-added scenarios to improve project return rate.

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