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The 9th International Forum on Clean Energy & Net-zero Carbon Island to be held in Hengqin on December 18

On December 18, 2022, Hengqin Island in Zhuhai will host the 9th International Forum on Clean Energy & Net-zero Carbon Island. This event is designed to build a shared platform for innovative technologies in clean energy alongside a new technological reform and an industrial revolution, and it will be a catalyst for furthering the Greater Bay Area and Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Co-hosted by the International Forum for Clean Energy (Macao), Greater Bay Area National Center of Technology Innovation, and State Power Investment Corporation Limited, organizers of the forum will welcome both online and offline audiences to discuss the principles of environmental friendliness, low carbon, safety, and energy efficiency.

First organized in Macao in 2012, the IFCE has celebrated its previous eight sessions and advanced global energy revolution and ecology improvements towards the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. This year, the forum will feature Greater Strides in Achieving Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality. Representatives from institutions, corporations, associations, and officials from home and abroad will convene to explore low-carbon development in new urban areas and businesses, as required by the economic growth in the Greater Bay Area and Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and Macao.

Academicians and experts in relevant fields will address the main forum, which features China's Goals of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality - Abiding by the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In parallel with the main forum, six other plenaries concern topics including innovative power and talent in clean energy, road shows of intelligent technology and clean energy programs, tech innovation funds cooperation, global carbon trading and finance, hydrogen energy industry with two carbon-related goals, and green infrastructure projects. All these are designed to develop new thinking and new approaches to realize carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

To promote energy security, which lays its foundation on the diversity of energy mix and applications of smart energy techs and systems, key projects covering all aspects of and links to clean energy industry chains will be granted licenses and contracts at the forum.

The 2022 Blue Book of Clean Energywill be released, and members of the Council will discuss research, technologies, frameworks, talent, and project incubation, as required by the establishment of the new Intelligent Energy Center affiliated with the Greater Bay Area National Center of Technology Innovation, which is now devoted to turning Hengqin into a net-zero carbon island that will achieve carbon peak and neutrality targets.

The International Forum for Clean Energy (Macao) is an international nonprofit organization based in Macao under the guidance of the CPPCC and Macao SAR. To build a society featuring sustainable energy development and ecological civilization, it is committed to the following objectives:

Provide research-based analysis on clean energy policy

Support research and development on clean energy

Promote public and private investment in clean energy

Popularize the clean energy market in society


Original: http://www.hengqin.gov.cn/macao_en/xwbb/content/post_3468018.html

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