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Renewable Energy is a Key Element of Climate Action

At the opening ceremony of the Ninth International Clean Energy Forum and Zero Carbon Island Forum, Francesco La Camera, Director General of IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), delivered a video speech, saying, "The goal of 'global temperature control of 1.5 degrees Celsius' in the Paris Agreement is not only an important agreement to solve the climate crisis, but also the key to addressing poverty and energy security issues. Energy transition is the most realistic way to achieve the goal of 'global temperature control of 1.5 degrees Celsius'.

Francesco Lacamel gave two suggestions on how to implement the goal of 'global temperature control of 1.5 degrees Celsius'. “First, the rate at which renewable energy is deployed must be tripled. We need to triple the annual supply of renewable energy globally by 2030. Second, priority should be given to renewable energy through electrification, green hydrogen and direct use of energy and thereby decarbonize end-use industries.”

Francesco Lacamel also elaborated on this further.

According to him, the International Renewable Energy Agency's "2021 Renewable Energy Generation Costs" report emphasized that renewable energy is cost-competitive and will continue to cut fossil fuel power generation. Two-thirds of new renewable electricity in 2021 costs less than the G20 minimum cost of fossil fuel generation. In addition, the cost of renewable energy continues to decline in 2021.

He believes that "we need specific policies and measures, including renewable energy targets, tax incentives, pricing mechanisms, etc., so as to increase the deployment of renewable energy. In addition, policies such as international cooperation, carbon pricing, and allocation mechanisms have great impact on the socio-economic aspects of energy transition." The impact of the footprint and its social acceptability have important implications.

At the same time, green hydrogen offers significant opportunities for the development of hard-to-decarbonize sectors that cannot be electrified or have viable alternatives to fossil fuels, such as industry and heavy transport, including aviation, shipping and road transport.

“The immediate priority is to get policy implementation and regulatory frameworks in place and provide incentives to establish and grow new hydrogen industries. Given that no single country can do this alone, the focus must be on fostering closer cooperation among countries.” cooperation in order to form mechanisms to foster new hydrogen markets and share best practices,” said Francesco Lacamel.

Finally, he said that as the International Renewable Energy Agency, we are confident and firmly believe that renewable energy is still a key element of climate action.

We still have a lot of work to do. In the future, IRENA is willing to work together with 168 members and 16 reserve members and outstanding industry partners towards an achievable, equitable and sustainable energy transition.

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