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Summary of the Sub-Forum on Energy Technology Innovation and Talent Development

Technology Creates Future Energy, Talent Drives Technological Innovation

The Ninth International Clean Energy Forum Conference and Zero Carbon Island Conference Energy Technology Innovation and Talent Development Sub-forum Held Successfully


The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "it is necessary to insist that science and technology are the primary productive forces, talents are the primary resource, and innovation is the primary driving force. We will continue to create new growth drivers and new advantages.”

The State Power Investment Corporation, the International Clean Energy Forum (Macau), and the National Technology Innovation Center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and set up The sub-forum on energy technology innovation and talent development is hosted by State Power Investment Corporation Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. With the theme of "Energy Technology Innovation and Talent Development", the sub-forum invited many national-level experts from the industry, science and education circles to explore the direction of technological innovation driving the future development of energy and solve the code to stimulate the vitality of talents and promote mechanism innovation. Let us have a glimpse of the guests' demeanor and main points of view.

Li Jianwei, director of the Science and Technology and Innovation Department of the State Power Investment Corporation, pointed out that the State Power Investment Corporation is a very large and important state-owned backbone enterprise (ranked 20th among central enterprises), one of the five largest power generation groups in China, and one of the three major nuclear power operators. SPIC has always attached great importance to scientific and technological innovation, giving full play to the role of scientific and technological innovation as the first driving force, using technological innovation to improve the ability to guarantee energy independence, promote the transformation of energy structure, and build an energy power. SPIC continues to increase investment in scientific and technological research and development, consolidate the scientific and technological innovation system, and build a "pagoda-shaped" technological innovation organization with the Central Research Institute as the leading layer, 12 innovation centers as the main layer, and 25 group-level technology centers as the supporting layer It has a number of design consulting and general contracting units with first-class qualifications for general contracting of electric power projects and first-class qualifications for foreign project contracting and management. The two major national science and technology projects of "Large Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant" and "Heavy Gas Turbine" and the "Energy Industrial Internet" project are progressing smoothly as planned.

SPIC is jointly applying for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area National Technology Innovation Center Smart Energy Sub-center with the Macau International Clean Energy Forum. Affordable and sustainable", to ensure energy security and promote the implementation of the "double carbon" goal. SPIC has further strengthened its contact and collaboration with government agencies, colleges and universities, academic groups, and leading enterprises to jointly tackle key issues in the field of clean energy, ensure energy security with scientific and technological innovation, promote energy transformation, and promote related projects in the Greater Bay Area Demonstration, landing, and effective results will help the country's "double carbon" goals to be realized as soon as possible.


Sun Dongbai, former executive vice president of Sun Yat-sen University, deputy director of Southern Ocean Science and Engineering Guangdong Provincial Laboratory (Zhuhai), and concurrently dean of Shenzhen Institute of Integrated Particle Facility, gave a report titled: "Advanced Synchrotron Radiation Light Source Device Drives New Energy Material Innovation ".

The main points:

Energy science and technology innovation is inseparable from the development of basic and applied basic research in related fields. How to build a technological research system and basic research platform around the major strategic needs of an energy power is the core issue of sustainable innovation and development in this field. The innovation of basic energy materials is the cornerstone of driving the development of high-quality energy strategies, and it is also an important source of leading the innovation of energy equipment. Driven by the demand for industrial innovation, Shenzhen Industrial Light Source is oriented towards major national strategic needs and the main battlefield of economic development, aiming at key technological breakthroughs and innovations in the entire industrialization process of materials such as energy storage, energy conservation, energy conversion and nuclear energy, relying on the advantages of synchrotron radiation light sources With the advantages of multi-representation technology combination and multi-modal information collection, focus on the layout of energy material industry line station clusters, including power battery line stations, drive motor line stations, environmental energy line stations, etc. The construction of the Shenzhen industrial light source energy material line station cluster can greatly promote the original, leading and disruptive technological breakthroughs in the energy field of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; strengthen independent research and development of key components and basic materials for energy technology equipment.


Yuan Chengyin, director and general manager of the National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, and an expert in the field of power battery and vehicle integration and control, gave a report titled: "New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation".

The main points:

The National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, as an important part of the national strategic scientific and technological strength, is the first national-level innovation center in my country's auto industry and the first national-level technological innovation center in my country with market-oriented resource allocation as the mechanism and corporate legal persons as the main body center. New energy vehicles are the only way for my country to move from a big automobile country to a powerful automobile country, and it is a strategic measure to deal with climate change and promote green development. In recent years, the automotive chip industry involves the coordinated development of the two major industries of automobiles and chips. The upstream and downstream chains are long, the division of labor is highly specialized, the content of technology and capital is high, and the industrial chain is highly globalized. Although the domestic auto chip started relatively late, it has developed rapidly under the multiple drivers of national policies, industrial security and market demand. It still needs the support of the two major industries. Through the effective combination of industrial innovation and technology research and development, a truly Chinese-style chip will be created. The innovation ecology of the automotive chip industry.


National Distinguished Expert, Dean, Professor, Professor-level Senior Engineer, and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Electrical and Automation, Wuhan University, Dong Xuzhu's report titled: "Progress and Thoughts on the Construction of New Urban and Rural Power Systems"

The main points:

"Carbon peaking, carbon neutrality" indicates the goal and direction of the development of new power systems; and the digitization and intelligence of my country's urban and rural power systems and their equipment is the key to building a safe, reliable, green, efficient, flexible and interactive new power system field. At present, a large number of industry research and development work starts from the digitization and intelligence of the urban and rural power systems of the new power system, and condenses the problems and challenges in the construction of the new urban and rural smart distribution network system and its digital twin system; the School of Electrical and Automation, Wuhan University, From the perspectives of simulation, planning and operation of new urban and rural power systems, digital twins and operation and maintenance of power equipment, key technical bottlenecks have been continuously broken through, and engineering practice achievements have been continuously implemented.


Sun Yongming, deputy director of the Guangzhou Institute of Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, concurrently an expert in the special general group of the national key research and development plan "Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy", and director of the National Energy Biofuel Research and Development Center, delivered a report titled: "Current Status of Marine New Energy Research" and future applications

The main points:

The ocean is rich in new energy and renewable energy. At present, domestic and foreign countries attach great importance to the research of marine new energy. Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as: Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research) has achieved a large number of major scientific and technological innovations in the field of marine new energy represented by ocean wave energy and natural gas hydrate. Guangzhou Institute of Energy has been engaged in marine wave power generation for more than 40 years. It is currently leading the world in wave-to-electricity conversion efficiency. It has successfully built wave power generation devices ranging from 10kW to 500kW. islands. In terms of natural gas hydrates, the Guangzhou Institute of Energy has established a theoretical system of hydrate foundation-reservoir formation-exploitation-application, and built the world's largest innovative platform for simulated exploitation of natural gas hydrates.


Guo Peijian, Assistant Director of the National Engineering Research Center for Electric Drives, Secretary-General of the Inverter Branch of the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association and the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Frequency Control Equipment, delivered a report titled: "Technical Innovation and Engineering Application of Large-Scale Energy Storage Systems"


The main points:


With the proposal of my country's "carbon peak, carbon neutral" goal, the rapid development of new energy and energy storage industries, the power system is gradually showing the trend of power electronics, and power electronic equipment such as converters directly affects the operation safety and security of the power system. Stablize. The increase in the number of distributed power sources has brought adjustment pressure to the grid terminal, which requires the active support function of the new energy system. The system will play a decisive role. The industrial application of large-scale energy storage systems is closer to the power load. Through the precise combination with the production process, it directly solves the economic and safety problems of industrial power consumption, and opens up a new path for the engineering application of large-scale energy storage. .


Liu Zhimin, director of the Innovation and Development Division of the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education, gave a report titled: "Deepen the integration of production, education and science, and promote the energy revolution through educational reform"


The main points:


Integrate the resources of enterprises and schools together to form an agglomeration effect and play the role of agglomeration breakthroughs. Strengthen exchanges and interactions with SPIC and Hengqin, deepen, thoroughly and solidly implement the important signings that have been implemented, and make them national demonstrations. Integrate the country's excellent educational resources, build and share them together, promote Hengqin's demonstration projects across the country, lead education, serve the country's "double carbon" goals, serve the new energy system, and promote a comprehensive professional structure, discipline structure, and talent training mechanism change.


And said, "I not only want to be a witness, but also a participant. I not only want to be a general participant, but also an important initiator and promoter. The model of Hengqin, from Hengqin Zero Carbon Island From new energy, to digitalization, to innovation radiation sources, the content of a package, from the field of enterprise-school cooperation to international cooperation to go out.” The Innovation and Development Office of the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education is willing to serve as a coordinating organization, play a pivotal role, and promote scientific research. Creativity produces more superposition effects, spillover effects, and multiplication effects, truly reflecting the strategic layout of the trinity of modern scientific and technological revolution, industrial revolution, and educational revolution. Cultivate more compound and innovative talents, seize the core engine, and form a "one body with two wings" work pattern. "One" is digital. The "two wings" are industry and technology at one end, and education supply at the other end, forming a linkage effect. In order to realize the linkage effect, conduct joint research and jointly build a platform with large enterprises and large scenarios.


Gao Xudong, professor of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, deputy director of the Technology Innovation Research Center of Tsinghua University, and vice chairman of the China Industrial Economics Association, gave a report titled: "Give full play to the irreplaceable role of state-owned enterprises in realizing self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology".


The main points:


Accelerating the realization of self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology is related to the overall economic and social development of our country. In order to effectively play the irreplaceable role of state-owned enterprises in this process, both the national innovation policy and the innovation policy of enterprises need to make major adjustments. In terms of government policies, it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of an innovation system led by local enterprises and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of state-owned enterprise leaders and scientific researchers. In terms of corporate strategy, it is necessary to vigorously improve the company's own capabilities, and large state-owned enterprises must also assume the responsibility of "chain length". State-owned enterprise leaders should carry forward the "state-owned enterprise entrepreneurial spirit" and open up a new world in technological innovation.


Sun Lei, chief engineer of the 206th Institute of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry, chief scientist of achievement transformation, and director of the Special Committee of State-owned Assets Achievement Transformation and Industrial Integration of the China Patent Protection Association, brought a report titled: "Innovation and Innovation in the Transformation Mechanism of State-owned Scientific and Technological Achievements Case Analysis》


The main points:


The transformation of scientific and technological achievements is the "key link" to realize the high-quality development of "going hand in hand" from science to technology and from technology to economy. The No. 206 Institute of the Second Academy of China Aerospace Science and Industry took the lead in exploring the quantitative incentive model of high-value scientific and technological achievements based on the precise investment in hard science and technology. one kilometer". It is hoped that state-owned enterprises can strengthen cooperation, explore feasible paths for the transformation of state-owned scientific and technological achievements, and jointly promote the innovation of achievement transformation mechanisms.


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