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Summary of Sub-Forum on Cooperation between Project Roadshow and Science and Technology Innovation Fund

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "adhering to the innovation-driven development strategy" and "adhering to science and technology as the primary productive force and innovation as the primary driving force". The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan and 2035 Long-term Goal Outline" proposes "improving the financial support innovation system", "encouraging the development of angel investment and venture capital, and giving better play to the role of venture capital guidance funds and private equity funds.". Innovation begins with technology and grows in capital. Capital is an important condition to promote the development of technological innovation. Create a good integration model of technology and capital, gather the power of investment capital, seek a green future for science and technology, and empower "financial life" Technological innovation” provides an inexhaustible driving force for high-quality economic development.

On December 18, 2022, with the strong support of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone Financial Development Bureau, the State Power Investment Group Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. and the International Clean Energy Forum (Macao) (hereinafter referred to as "IFCE") Financial Investment Committee The co-hosted Ninth International Clean Energy Forum and Zero Carbon Island Conference Project Roadshow and Science and Innovation Fund Cooperation Sub-Forum were successfully held in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone. This sub-forum uses the "cloud + offline" method to build a professional communication platform, discuss the mechanism of capital empowerment for scientific and technological innovation, and jointly plan and establish a green scientific and technological innovation fund to help green innovation and development.

This sub-forum was chaired by Zheng Xianrong, Executive Secretary-General of IFCE Financial Investment Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Bojiang Investment Management Co., Ltd. The project roadshow was strongly supported by the China Technology Exchange and the Science and Technology Development Service Center of the China Electricity Council, and a total of Tianze Zhiyun, Yutuo Intelligent, Hezhi Power, Hengjin Power, Hongxiang Technology, Qingan Youneng, etc. were selected 6 companies participated in the road show, involving multiple segments of comprehensive smart energy such as zero-carbon smart energy systems, hydrogen fuel cells, new smart power equipment, industrial "smart+", and numerical "weather forecast+". Jiang Jianping, secretary-general of IFCE Financial Investment Committee and former deputy general manager of Putian New Energy Co., Ltd.; Gao Jiaqing, IFCE director and vice president of Beijing Science and Technology Park Construction Group Co., Ltd.; Liu Jing, IFCE director and investment director of Beijing Chaotoufa Investment Management Co., Ltd.; Wang Jianzhao, a member of the expert committee of Investment Group Guangdong Electric Power Co., Ltd., and a five-member expert review committee conducted a "pulse consultation" on each project from multiple dimensions. This sub-forum attracted CICC Capital, SDIC Entrepreneurship, Guangdong Yueke Fund of Funds, Shenzhen Angel Fund of Funds, Zhuhai Gree Financial Investment, Zhuhai Development Fund, Kunyuan Assets, Everbright Bank, Shanghai Bojiang and many other well-known institutions in the industry Representatives of SPIC, as well as SPIC-related units such as SPIC Fund Corporation, overseas companies, and Zhongneng Fund participated in the event.

Smart technology and clean energy innovation project roadshow sub-forum roadshow guests

The development of scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from the support of innovative capital. Accelerating the cohesion of innovative capital represented by venture capital will ignite the hope of more emerging and innovative industries. In his speech at the sub-forum, Li Jianbin, Acting Deputy Director of the Innovation and Development Division of the Financial Development Bureau of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, pointed out that the Hengqin Shenzhen Cooperation Zone has carried out good practices in promoting green and sustainable development and promoting the development of the modern financial industry. The Shenzhen Cooperation Zone already has a gathering effect in the field of private equity venture capital. In the future, it will study and introduce incentives for green investment to further help green science and technology venture capital and financing, and support the vigorous development of green enterprises in the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone. He hopes that through the cut of the Science and Technology Innovation Fund, more new ideas will be provided for the innovation and development of green finance in the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone. The Shenzhen Cooperation Zone will continue to promote the full accumulation of capital, talents, technology and other essential resources in the field of green finance to form a green financial service ecosystem and create a model for green financial innovation in the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone.

Li Jianbin, acting deputy director of the Innovation and Development Division of the Financial Development Bureau of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, delivered a speech

Liu Guoping, chairman of the IFCE Financial Investment Committee and chairman of the Greater China Region of ORIX Group, read on behalf of Mr. Ye Zhaojia, a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Macao SAR, chairman of the Macau Association of Banks, and vice president of Bank of China Macau Branch, "Smooth capital and efficient circulation of technology, forging deep cooperation" Keynote Speech on New Engine for District Development. He put forward unique insights on how Macao's modern finance can help the technological innovation of the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone. He pointed out that it is necessary to "smooth the efficient circulation of capital and technology". Based on the directive spirit of the Party Central Committee and the unique advantages of "one country, two systems", Macao can provide diversified financing support for the development of technology research and development and high-end manufacturing industries in the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone from the bond market, venture capital funds, and cross-border capital flows. He put forward three suggestions on how to forge a new engine for the development of the Shenzhen Cooperation Zone: first, pay close attention to the layout of the science and technology innovation industry and actively serve the implementation of projects; second, promote Guangdong-Macao cross-border financial cooperation and increase financial support; third, build a comprehensive Financial Services Platform.

Liu Guoping, Chairman of IFCE Financial Investment Committee, Chairman of Japan ORIX Group Greater China

Jiang Jianping, secretary-general of IFCE Financial Investment Committee and former deputy general manager of Putian New Energy Co., Ltd., gave a speech on the theme of "IFCE International Clean Energy Forum (Macao) on the establishment of Science and Technology Fund of Funds", from the perspective of establishment ideas, investment principles, and management models. Introduced the establishment plan of the fund from four aspects, decision-making body. He hopes that the IFCE Financial Investment Committee will focus on science and technology innovation funds, integrate the resource advantages of various parties such as technology research and development, achievement transformation, market application, and industrial landing, and further guide social capital to flow into the clean energy field.

Fu Chenghong, general manager of State Power Investment Corporation Industrial Fund Management Co., Ltd., delivered a speech on the theme of "Gathering Momentum Forward, Science and Technology Fund Sounds Carbon Neutral Assembly". He said that the industrial fund company has established an integrated investment research platform The working mode is mainly based on the new power system, focusing on the fields of source, grid, nuclear, storage, hydrogen, etc., deploying a series of emerging industries, and realizing the investment layout by building an investment portfolio. He emphasized that fund companies should be good managers of science and technology innovation funds, practitioners of industrial and financial cooperation, and promoters of technological innovation, and build the three pillars of core capabilities of "new energy industry research + post-investment empowerment management + stable compliance culture" to give full play to Apply the pull and capital push to create a technology research community driven by demand, and contribute to the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Fu Chenghong, General Manager of SPIC Industrial Fund Management Co., Ltd.

Focusing on the cooperation theme of science and technology innovation funds of "gathering the power of venture capital and helping innovation and development", Shan Junbao, vice chairman of IFCE Financial Investment Committee, chairman and president of CICC Capital Operation Co., Ltd., and general manager of institutional funds of Kunyuan Asset Management Co., Ltd. Zhang Qiang, Liu Deming, General Manager of Zhongneng Smart (Beijing) Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd., Fu Jian, Director of Fund Management Department of State Power Investment Group Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. and other representatives of participating institutions made speeches. All parties said: First, focus on "digital empowerment for green development" and "fund empowerment for scientific and technological innovation", tap high-quality potential projects, and promote innovative development. The second is to advocate the gathering of innovative resources from all parties, strengthen fund investment cooperation, empower scientific and technological innovation, and achieve win-win cooperation. The third is to actively grasp the historical opportunity of being an international science and technology innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, give full play to the unique location and policy advantages of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, and promote the establishment of outstanding scientific and technological achievements and venture capital, leading state-owned enterprises, technology applications, and Hengqin. A high-level fund cooperation platform that effectively matches the development needs of the Qin-Shen He District, providing comprehensive and whole-process financial service support for the transformation and implementation of innovative achievements, cultivation and development, capital operation, etc., and assisting the strategies of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Hengqin-Shenzhen Cooperation District Powered by science and technology.

Discussion on the theme of "Combining the power of venture capital to help innovation and development" in the Science and Technology Innovation Fund Cooperation Sub-forum

Finally, Liu Guoping, Chairman of the IFCE Financial Investment Committee and Chairman of the Greater China Region of ORIX Group, made a concluding speech. He pointed out that the International Clean Energy Forum (Macao) will actively explore technologies, capital , The new business model of the "trinity" of the market. He hopes that the International Clean Energy Forum (Macao) will jointly launch the establishment of a science and technology innovation investment fund with the governing units of the forum, domestic and foreign financial organizations, and investment institutions, actively strengthen cooperation with top foreign scientific research institutions, and attract industry fund investment and venture capital. Promote energy technology innovation and achieve green and high-quality development.

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