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托马斯 • 盖斯 联合国助理秘书长


Distringuished Host,

Honorable Chairman,



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for this opportunity. It is an honour and pleasure to address this important conference on clean energy. 



In my keynote statement this afternoon I will deliver a more detailed appraisal of the 2030 Agenda and clean energy.  For now, however, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts more broadly on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which I believe to have resulted from the most inclusive policy dialogue the United Nations has ever organized. 



The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals – a little over one year ago –brought the leaders of the world together with civil society organizations and interest groups, private sector companies and many individuals, to chart a sustainable path in the common pursuit of a healthier world. 



As noted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, there can be no going back. We need all hands on deck to implement these goals, which are a shared vision of humanity for transforming our society and protecting our planet. 



These 17 Goals form the basis of a new social contract between the world’s leaders and their people.  They outline an ambitious effort to end poverty and hunger, and ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality, in a healthy environment.



The interlinked Goals are supported by a total of 169 targets for which 230 global indicators exist, and monitoring systems are being put in place. They are an overarching framework – a kind of common roof to other intergovernmental processes and conventions of which you are no doubt familiar, and in which some of you participate, including:

1、the Paris Agreement and international efforts to counter Climate Change,

2、Sendai and the Agenda for Disaster Risk Reduction,

3、Beijing and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),

4、the process on sustainable urbanisation, culminating this week in the Habitat III Conference in Quito, 

5、and many others. 








And yet the 2030 Agenda is different … It requires us to look closely at the inter-linkages between sectors and break down the silos that stop us from working together.  It compels us to understand better specific national and local situations, and tailor our actions accordingly.

That is why the Goals speak to many common concerns of countries, at all levels of development …whether youth unemployment and widening social and economic inequalities … increasing natural disasters and threats from climate change that include degradation of terrestrial ecosystems and loss of biodiversity ... or weaknesses in social coherence, management of the state, and violence.

These are challenges that can hold everyone back … and are not contained within national boundaries.  And as the challenges are fully inclusive, so the solutions must be as well.  They require everyone to share responsibility and contribute to a common vision. 



Take for example, a global public good such as our planet’s oceans:

A tremendous generator and storage of energy, with its movements… its waves and tides… its streams and currents… its temperature and salinity gradients… the wind it generates and captures. 

This endless reservoir of 1.3 billion cubic kilometres, covers over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, and contains 97 percent of the Earth’s water. 

And yet, the size and abundance of the oceans are very misleading, as we are 7.5 billion people to share it.

That means that every 5 of us have to share 1 Cubic kilometre of ocean (or 270’000 Gallons). 

Oceans generate over half of the oxygen we breathe and the seafood we consume. 

But they also absorb our sewage, our garbage, our spilled oil and one quarter of the carbon dioxide we produce.  



Distinguished participants,

As a global community we face an array of global tests. These tests boil down to the fundamental challenge of making enlightened decisions today and tomorrow, that will place people and the planet on course for a better future.

When individuals share a seemingly free common good, like the oceans or forests, air or energy – we need to come up with an agreed approach to managing it – not just at the national level – not just among rich, or among friendly countries, but among all. 

             [ … FISH PROVERB …]



Probably the most significant change in paradigm brought about by the 2030 Agenda is the commitment to leave no one behind.  We are well beyond measuring poverty only in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) terms.  In a manner of speaking, the 169 Targets underpinning the Sustainable Development Goals are 169 ways of explaining how no one is to be left behind.  

This is, defacto, a redefinition of what sustainability means, and implies that, if a significant economic or social group is left behind, our development is not sustainable. 

Indeed, China’s impressive efforts to leave no one behind are demonstrated in its reduced poverty levels, which have been reached partly through agricultural and infrastructure development policies.  Moreover, in its role as holding the G20 Presidency this year, China put development issues at the heart of the G20 agenda, listing inclusive and interconnected development as one of the four key agenda items.  

China’s commitment to prioritize the SDGs was further demonstrated in the G20 outcome, a collective action plan to implement the 2030 Agenda. 



We have entered the era of implementation. Going forward, success will be measured by practical results that ensure no one is left behind and that protect vulnerable communities.

And this includes reducing energy poverty and building more sustainable economies.

Actions that support low-emissions growth and climate resilience are critical to the success of the SDGs. A clean energy economy helps increase prosperity, health and wellbeing. 

It improves food, water and energy security. And abundant clean energy creates improves life in cities, with cleaner air for our children.

The Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can open important opportunities for collaboration to build the clean energy economies of tomorrow – today. 

Indeed, everyone’s contributions inspire hope. By working together, we can say to the children of this world, that the new Agenda is not just a new deal among nations, but a solemn promise to its people and to future generations.




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