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第一篇 總報告

  1. 深入推進粵港澳大灣區綠色發展 全面打造國際一流灣區 【中國廣核集團有限公司研究中心】
  2. 粵港澳大灣區綠色發展重點與評價指標研究【周宏春】
  3. 粵港澳實現大氣和氣候目標的能源轉型情景研究【薑克雋 趙黛青 王文軍 胡珊】

第二篇 能源電力篇

  1. 粵港澳大灣區海上風電發展現狀與展望【王紅野 張繼立 馬婧】
  2. 海上風電對廣東省電力現貨市場的影響性分析【宋怡 林晨韻 梁高琪 趙俊華】
  3. 綜合經濟可行性、市場趨勢、技術與補貼政策之風能發展策略分析【Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet 周碩彥】
  4. 擴大粵港澳大灣區光伏發電消費占比建議【王元勝】
  5. 中廣核惠州生態核電建設探索【李靖】
  6. 美日大灣區的天然氣發展戰略比較【鐘飛騰】
  7. 進一步加快氫能發展,推動大灣區能源轉型【葛天文】
  8. 先進抽水蓄能技術助力大灣區能源體系建設【梁權偉】
  9. 適應粵港澳大灣區綜合能源發展需求的分佈式儲能系統方案及關鍵技術【丁慶 趙宇明 童亦斌 唐泉】
  10. 大灣區統一電力現貨市場建設路徑及出清模型研究【趙文猛 周保榮 洪潮】
  11. 廣東省中長期生活用能特徵研究【陳暉】
  12. 基於區塊鏈架構的大灣區綠電綜合市場體系設計【梁志飛 張志翔 賈旭東】
  13. 適應大灣區綠色能源發展的電價機制【張蘭 荊朝霞 喻芸】
  14. 兆瓦級海島孤立微電網含風光柴儲的穩態運行策略【劉揚波】

第三篇 環境生態篇

  1. 粵港澳大灣區綠色金融合作研究【王遙】
  2. 基於大數據分析的大灣區市場化生態補償體系研究【肖斯銳 李栩然 任淑雲 王彥斐】
  3. 建設大灣區碳資產及碳交易統一大市場【施燕 陳穎 王麗珊】
  4. 大灣區一帶一路基地:小島嶼國家能源困境及其轉型對策【王倩】
  5. 粵港澳大灣區無廢城市建設路線圖【周治平】
  6. 粵港澳大灣區廢物處置產業發展及政策建議【周江 呂永紅】
  7. 綠色建築助力粵港澳大灣區綠色發展【孟沖 韓沐辰 蓋軼靜】
  8. 數字驅動的可持續智慧城市能源管理【Anindhita Dewabharata 周碩彥 胡定核】
  9. 大灣區創新型產業集群培育與展望 【黃曦 田雲 黎平】

第四篇 特別報告

  1. 《2020世界核能產業現狀報告》總結與結論【麥克·施耐德(Mycle Schneider) 餘文敏】
  2. 全球公共衛生事件凸顯清潔能源獨特優勢和前景【尹向勇 陳公全 鄧荻】
  3. 結語【蘇樹輝】


Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Green Development Report(2020)


Preface I —— He Yu

Preface I —— Bi Yaxiong


B1--Further Promote the Green Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,Make it First–Class Big Bay Area in the World

Strategy institution of CGN


B2--Research on Key Points and Evaluation Indexes of Green Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Zhou Hongchun 


B3--Energy Transition Scenario Study of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao to Realizing Air Pollution and CO2 Mitigation Targets

Jiang Kejun, Zhao Daiqing, Wang Wenjun, Hu Shan


B4--Recent Development and Prospect of Offshore Wind Power in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Wang Hongye, Zhang Jili, Ma Jing


B5--The Impact of Integrating Offshore Wind Power in the Guangdong Electricity Spot Market

 Song Yi, Lin Chenyun, Liang Gaoqi, Zhao Junhua


B6--Analysis of Wind Energy Development Based on Economic Feasibility, Market Trend, Technology and Subsidy Policies

Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet, Zhou Shuoyan


B7--Increasing the Proportion of Renewable Energy - Photovoltaic

Wang Yuansheng


B8--Exploration and Practice of Ecological Nuclear Power plant System Construction in CGN Huizhou Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.

Li Jing


B9--Comparison of Natural Gas Development Strategies between the United States and Japan’s Greater Bay Area

Zhong Feiteng


B10--Further Accelerate the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry and Promote Energy Transformation in the Great Bay Area  

Ge TianWen


B11--Advanced Pumped-Storage Technology support the Energy System Construction of GBA

Liang Quanwei


B12--Distributed Energy Storage System Scheme and Key Technologies for the Demand of Comprehensive Energy Development in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Ding Qing, Zhao Yuming, Tong Yibin, Tang Quan


B13--Research on Construction Path and Market Clearing Model of Greater Bay Area Unified Electricity Spot Market

Zhao Wenmeng, Zhou Baorong, Hong Chao


B14--Characteristics of the Medium-Long-Term Residential Energy Consumption in Guangdong Province

Chen Hui


B15--The Integrated Market System Design of Green Electricity in Greater Bay Area based on Block Chain Architecture

Liang Zhifei, Zhang Zhixiang, Jia Xudong


B16--Electricity Pricing Mechanism to Adapt to the Green Growth in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Zhang Lan, Jing Zhaoxia, Yu Yun


B17--Steady-State Operation Strategy of Megawatt Island Isolated Micro-grid with Wind Energy, Photovoltaic, Diesel Generator and Energy Storage Equipment

                          Liu Yangbo


B18--Research on Green Finance Cooperation in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Wang Yao


B19--A Big Data Analysis Based Study on Market-Oriented Ecological Compensation Framework of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area

Xiao Sirui, Li Xuran, Ren Shuyun, Wang Yanfei


B20--A Study on Constructing a Unified Market for Carbon Assets and Carbon Trading in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Nie Bing, Shi Yan, Wang Lishan, Chen Ying


B21--Energy Dilemma of Small Island States and Their Transition Strategies

                  Wang Qian


B22--Greater Bay Area Zero Waste Society Road Map

Zhou Zhiping


B23--Industry Development and Policy Proposals for Waste Disposal in the Gugdong-Hong Kong Macau Greater Bay Area

Zhou Jiang, Lv Yonghong


B24--Green Building Helps Green Development in “Bay Areas”

Meng Chong, Han Muchen, Ge Yijing


B25--Achieving Smart Sustainable City through Digitally-driven Energy Management

Anindhita Dewabharata, Zhou Shuoyan, Hu Dinghe


B26--Cultivation and Prospect of Innovative Industrial Clusters in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Huang Xi, Tian Yun, Li Ping 


B27--Executive Summary and Conclusions of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2020

Mycle Schneider, Yu Wenmin


B28--Global Public Health Events Highlight the Unique Advantages and Prospects of Clean Energy

Yin Xiangyong, Chen Gongquan, Deng Di


Epilogue——Su Shuhui




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