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綜合經濟可行性、市場趨勢、技術與補貼政策之風能發展策略分析 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》


Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet 周碩彥







Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet,博士,臺灣科技大學工業管理系博士後研究員,物聯網創新中心研究員。



Analysis of Wind Energy Development Based on Economic Feasibility, Market Trend, Technology and Subsidy Policies

Nguyen Thi Anh Tuyet, Zhou Shuoyan


Abstract: In recent decades, advantageous achievements of technology have promoted the expansion of wind energy for meeting future energy supply needs and ensuring environmental protection. To increase the installation capacity of wind energy, it is necessary to analyze comprehensively wind energy development based on economic feasibility, technology development, market potential and policy landscape. A huge number of studies have emerged recently to analyze the development of wind energy. However, the studies considering the effects of various influential parameters remain small and limited, especially those that consider thoughtfully the impacts of maintenance strategy optimization on economic feasibility, government subsidies, market potential, and wind turbine technology development. This study proposes approach to evaluate the development of wind energy considering economic feasibility, wind turbine technology development, global scenario of wind energy, market potential and investment, and policy landscape. The adoption and potential of wind energy in the Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao) are focused, because of the recent policies and interests for expanding the utilization of wind system in this area. To increase the accuracy and to deal with the uncertainty of economic evaluation, this study also proposes an approach to determine the optimal maintenance schedule for wind system, such that maintenance cost is minimized. This study contributes to better understanding of the problems related to wind energy sources, maintenance optimization, and provides useful information for the researchers as well as the professionals in the wind energy field.

Key Words: Wind Energy; Wind Turbine Technology; Maintenance Optimization; Economic Feasibility; Market Potential; Energy Policy

首頁    出版研究    蓝皮书研究报告    2020    綜合經濟可行性、市場趨勢、技術與補貼政策之風能發展策略分析 ——《粵港澳大灣區綠色發展報告(2020)》